

litter "G" from 14/10/2016

HCM-N/N this litter is processed reserved

Catsvill County Gin
Catsvill County Gorgeous snowflake
Catsvill County Gem
Catsvill County Gendalf
Catsvill County Galaxy
Catsvill County Gulliver


Catsvill County`s Oleg
Catsvill County`s Oleg



Great- Grandparents

Gobi Angel Savage of Catsvill County w 62

Pillowtalk,s Genesis

Cool Motion´s Angel Sky black

Pillowtalk,s Hot Kiss

CH World King Diamond Diadem w 62 

RU*Eastwood Millenium Snow w62

Double Whisky Respectcoon F 


Catsvill County Cobra MCO n

Avtoritet Best Country Gulliver,s
MCO ns22

Arctic Black of Perfecl Cat MCO ns 09

I.CH. Berta Best Tigrinyi Duh MCO n22

UfaCoon`s Fiona 

Cool Motion,s Qulet-ManMCO ns22

Riddlecoon,s G.B. Toyota Verossa MCO n22

Wildbeautycoon,s Allegrance
Wildbeautycoon,s Allegrance



Great- Grandparents

Conikacoon’s Diamond Lord - N/N 
MCO as

Summerplace Kalypso MCO a

Summerplace Amarillo MCO n 22

Summerplace Armelie MCO ns

Chanel’s Konkolino*PL MCO as


CH Gandhi Alara*PL,CZ MCO ns

Cizia-Fizia Mr. Japac*PL MCO ns 23

Tojo Polaris Wilma Reading  - N/N 

MCO ns

Dk’Aloa’s Yankee Cat  MCO a 09 22

Diamond Beach Buffalo Bill MCO ns 09 22

DK Aloa’s Tutti Frutti MCO g 22

Tojo Polaris Celia Cruz MCO ns

Tojo Polaris Nat King Cole MCO ns

IC (N) Tojo Polaris Jessie Young MCO f 09