

litter "V" from 20.07.2019



Country Gulliver's Xanto Class
Country Gulliver's Xanto Class



Great- Grandparents

Country Gulliver's Diesel Class a

Ch.WCF Great Pride High Class of Country Gulliver's a 03

Country Gulliver's Absolute Class n

Energy Jump of CaDazz a 02

Ch.Country Gulliver's Kiss Fashion a 09

Ch. Country Gulliver's Ujin Best ns

Country Gulliver's Fashion Girl  n 09



Country Gulliver's Naomi Best ns


Langstteich's Bel'Roma ns

Langstteich’s Black-Out, n

Langstteich’s Bella-Fantastica, as

Gr.I.Ch. Afina Best Country Gulliver's ns 22


Arctic Black of Perfecl Cat MCO 
ns 09 

I.CH. Berta Best Tigrinyi Duh MCO n22

Wildbeautycoon,s Tango
Wildbeautycoon,s Tango



Great- Grandparents

Wildbeautycoon's Oro D'Amore ns 22

WildBeautyCoon Saigon n 22

Big-Hannibal Black Vintage ns

Big Giants Resort Colbie Cailat n 22

Mainelynx Zilli Gangstercat ns

IC Hawkwind's Blue Moon as

Mainelynx Messina Gangstercat n

GranPatron`s Ximena f 22


Valentino Laguna Leo e 02

I.CH. Tigercoon Nigel of Laguna Leo n 03

I.CH. Arishe Laguna Leo g 22

GranPatron`s Jinna f 22

CH. Belmicoon`s Iron Raven n

CH. GranPatron`s Cherokee Nice Voice g 03 22