Parents | Grandparents | Great- Grandparents |
Country Gulliver's Diesel Class a  | Ch.WCF Great Pride High Class of Country Gulliver's a 03  | Country Gulliver's Absolute Class n  |
Energy Jump of CaDazz a 02  |
Ch.Country Gulliver's Kiss Fashion a 09  | Ch. Country Gulliver's Ujin Best ns  |
Country Gulliver's Fashion Girl n 09 |
Country Gulliver's Naomi Best ns  | Langstteich's Bel'Roma ns  | Langstteich’s Black-Out, n  |
Langstteich’s Bella-Fantastica, as  |
Gr.I.Ch. Afina Best Country Gulliver's ns 22  | Arctic Black of Perfecl Cat MCO ns 09  |
I.CH. Berta Best Tigrinyi Duh MCO n22  |