Our Females

Catsvill County Gangsterita

color as
birth date 22.01.2021
father Good Boy! SharmMuar
mother Catsvill County Love
Catsvill County Gangsterita




Good Boy! SharmMuar
Good Boy! SharmMuar



Great- Grandparents

August Trotting Track ds

Maharaja Seventh Fleet*UA as

Mainefield,s Zawinul as

Luna Nannarella*PL g

Flip-Flop's El'Mega fs

Fandango Arkiza*PL d

Flip-Flops Vild Orehid ds


Anglia Gargantua ns22

MaineLynx  Leandro n 25

Maineclassic Billy Mitchel d 25

GangsterCat Ravenna n 22

Roskosh Gargantua ns

Big Giants Resort,s Da Vinci n 22

Silver Fox Gargantua ns 24

Catsvill County Love
Catsvill County Love
Country Gulliver's Xanto Class
Country Gulliver's Xanto Class



Great- Grandparents

Country Gulliver's Diesel Class

Ch.WCF Great Pride High Class of Country Gulliver's

Country Gulliver's Absolute Class

Energy Jump of CaDazz

Ch.Country Gulliver's Kiss Fashion

Ch. Country Gulliver's Ujin Best

Country Gulliver's Fashion Girl 



Country Gulliver's Naomi Best


Langstteich's Bel'Roma

Langstteich’s Black-Out, n

Langstteich’s Bella-Fantastica, as

Gr.I.Ch. Afina Best Country Gulliver's 


Arctic Black of Perfecl Cat MCO 
ns 09 

I.CH. Berta Best Tigrinyi Duh MCO n22

Catsvill County`s Cerceya
Catsvill County`s Cerceya



Great- Grandparents

Catsvill County Francis HCM - N/N 

Pillowtalk,s Genesis test HCM - N/N 

Cool Motion´s Angel Sky black

Pillowtalk,s Hot Kiss

Lioncoon Elisabeth test HCM - N/N 
fs 2203 

Battle Creek's J'Cesare

Dedicace de sulena 


Windin Willows Bella



Big Giants Deep Insight MCO a2209 

Endless Cat,s Devil in the Sky MCO n22 

Bossanova of Baydar MCO n2209


Russi Mystic Favna MCO f22 

Big Brother Perfect Cats MCO d22

Russi Mystic Bonita MCO n2203