Our Females

Lion black

color ns
birth date 27.03.2022
father Country Gulliver`s Gerald
mother Catsvill County Blue Wolf
Lion black




Country Gulliver`s Gerald
Country Gulliver`s Gerald



Great- Grandparents

Country Gulliver's Uno-Dei Best   MCO - ns

Ch.Country Gulliver's Kasanova Best (as)

Ch. Langstteich's Extra-Class-Blue (аs)

Ch. Country Gulliver's Norma Best  (n 22)

Country Gulliver's MiLady Best  (ns22)

Ch. Country Gulliver's Fellini Great  (ns)

Gr.I.Ch. Afina Best Country Gulliver's  (ns 22)

Captain Coon's Venezia Kiss  of Country Gulliver's  MCO- g 09



Ch. Captain Coon's Quaint  (d 03)

Respsctcoon Sparcler (Black blotched tabby/white)


DK Aloa’s La Luna (creme blotched tabby)

Country Gulliver's Beatris Kiss  (ns) 

Ch WCF, Ch.P. Country Gulliver's PlayBoy (ns 22)

Ch. Country Gulliver's Kiss Fashion   (а 09)

Catsvill County Blue Wolf
Catsvill County Blue Wolf
Good Boy! SharmMuar
Good Boy! SharmMuar



Great- Grandparents

August Trotting Track ds

Maharaja Seventh Fleet*UA as

Mainefield,s Zawinul as

Luna Nannarella*PL g

Flip-Flop's El'Mega fs

Fandango Arkiza*PL d

Flip-Flops Vild Orehid ds


Anglia Gargantua ns22

MaineLynx  Leandro n 25

Maineclassic Billy Mitchel d 25

GangsterCat Ravenna n 22

Roskosh Gargantua ns

Big Giants Resort,s Da Vinci n 22

Silver Fox Gargantua ns 24

Catsvill County`s Cobra
Catsvill County`s Cobra



Great- Grandparents

Avtoritet Best Country Gulliver,s
MCO ns22

Arctic Black of Perfecl Cat MCO ns 09

G.E.CH. Electric Light Silvi-Cola*PLof Perfecl Cat MCO ns 

G.I.CH. Babette Top Coon*PL of Perfecl Cat MCO f 22 

I.CH. Berta Best Tigrinyi Duh MCO n22

CH. Moscow Star,s Amur,s Tiger MCO n 22

CH. Magic Tale Kjara MCO n 22


UfaCoon`s Fiona 
MCO n22


GECH Cool Motion,s Qulet-Man MCO ns22

Faricoon Cadilac MCO ns22

Cool Motion,s Ginger-Ale MCO n22

Riddlecoon,s G.B. Toyota Verossa MCO n22

GECH Bentley Populus*PL MCO n22

WCH Blanca Kocurro*PL MCO n2303