

litter "O" from 15.04.2015

Catsvill County Odin
Catsvill County Oksana
Catsvill County Oleg
Catsvill County Orbit


Angel Savage Goby
Angel Savage Goby
Catsvill County`s Cobra
Catsvill County`s Cobra



Great- Grandparents

Avtoritet Best Country Gulliver,s
MCO ns22

Arctic Black of Perfecl Cat MCO ns 09

G.E.CH. Electric Light Silvi-Cola*PLof Perfecl Cat MCO ns 

G.I.CH. Babette Top Coon*PL of Perfecl Cat MCO f 22 

I.CH. Berta Best Tigrinyi Duh MCO n22

CH. Moscow Star,s Amur,s Tiger MCO n 22

CH. Magic Tale Kjara MCO n 22


UfaCoon`s Fiona 
MCO n22


GECH Cool Motion,s Qulet-Man MCO ns22

Faricoon Cadilac MCO ns22

Cool Motion,s Ginger-Ale MCO n22

Riddlecoon,s G.B. Toyota Verossa MCO n22

GECH Bentley Populus*PL MCO n22

WCH Blanca Kocurro*PL MCO n2303